Friday, February 19, 2010

Building ffplay for windows

For Building ffplay we need SDL-devel installed.

Go to, and near the end, at Development Libraries, get the latest under Win32, for MinGW32, not Visual C++.

you can download drectly from here

Unpack the file.

just unpacked downloaded files
Copy all the files from the lib folder to C:\msys\mingw\lib\.
Copy the SDL folder from the include folder to C:\msys\mingw\include\.
Copy all the files from the bin folder to C:\msys\mingw\bin\.

Edit c:\msys\mingw\bin\sdl-config with an editor that understands Unix line endings (like wordpad.exe).
Change the line that says:
The SDL.dll file must be in the PATH for ffplay.exe to run correctly.
The bin folder it was copied to, is in the PATH for MSys.
But if you want to run ffplay.exe from outside of MSys, you'll have to copy SDL.dll.
Now, whenever you run ./configure --enable-static --enable-shared --enable-memalign-hack for FFmpeg, it should find SDL and build FFplay correctly.

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